Science-Policy Pathway Case Studies
Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Regulation Plan: Updating of the operational rules for the Moses-Saunders dam in order to regulate water flows under varying hydro-climatic conditions. Science included examination of projected future hydro-climatic conditions; evaluation of the expected impacts of fluctuating water levels on hydropower, flooding, water supply, navigation, shoreline property and ecosystems; and development of detailed multi-criteria decision-support model.
Nutrient Management in the Red River Basin: Setting of water quality standards for nutrients at the border. Science included examination of nutrient loading sources and transport and analysis to determine the relationship between nutrients and algal growth in the river.
Joint Danube Surveys: Basin management planning. Science included longitudinal surveys of the river that included water quality and bio-monitoring and use of that information to assess the status of surface water within the basin.
Climate Adaptation Planning: Development of a climate adaptation strategy. Science included evaluation of expected impacts of future climate change, evaluation of current climate readiness, and identification and assessment of possible actions for climate adaptation.
Hydropower Design Guidance: Development of guidelines for hydropower developers and countries on design elements, mitigation measures, and analysis methods for assessing the impacts of hydropower projects. Science included a review of the state of knowledge on the impacts and potential mitigation measures for hydropower development and development of consistent baseline data on socio-environmental systems across the basin.